Jak NordVPN używa Modash do wyszukiwania YouTuberów za ponad 100 współpracowników miesięcznie

Jeśli nie widziałeś integracji NordVPN na YouTube, prawdopodobnie nie jesteś wystarczająco na YouTube. Założone w 2012 roku oprogramowanie do cyberbezpieczeństwa NordVPN jest na rynku influencerów od ponad 4 lat. Rozmawialiśmy z

Ilustracyjny obraz odkrycia influencerów Modasha

3 lata

używając Modash

⏰ 2 godziny ⏰

zapisywany każdego dnia sprawdzając profile influencerów

100 współpracowników

miesiąc (nowy i powtarzający się)
Założyciel Modasha na scenie rozmawia z założycielem Kipwise

Przed Modashem musiałem ręcznie wyszukiwać profile. Dzięki Modash znajduję twórców, którzy faktycznie odpowiadają naszym celom i naszym potrzebom i robię to szybciej!

Ronak Trivedi
Co-Founder & CEO at Pietra

Przeglądanie 51 milionów kanałów YouTube, aby znaleźć odpowiednich influencerów

Have you ever tried to read multiple social feeds, summarize them in real time, and get actionable insights? Take it from us - it would be hard. It would also take hours of work scraping and analyzing social media each week.

Pietra knows that brands need to listen to their customers and react faster than ever. They wanted those brands to stay on top of what their customers say across social, know which influencers they should partner with and for them to be able to monitor industry trends to act on.

The cool part? They wanted brands to know this without having to spend hours researching themselves or trying to understand how to turn that data into next steps to actually grow. That's why they decided to make Pulse.

To do this they needed:

  1. A huge quantity of data points for social listening
  2. Reliable and real-time data 
  3. Advanced feature sets built for the creator economy
Using Modash to build a tool that listens to social and tells your brand what to do next
„Współpracuję z Modashem od ponad 3 lat. Wcześniej byłem w marce kosmetycznej, a kiedy zaczynałem w NordVPN, powiedziałem swojemu kierownikowi zespołu: „Będę potrzebował Modasha”.

They decided to use the Modash API to be the backbone of Pietra Pulse. A tool developed to help their users grow their e-commerce brands by integrating influencer data into their platform to help users make informed decisions and find creators that, as Pietra puts it - match their vibe. 

Pietra Pulse uses the billions of social data points available to them through the Modash API. This data includes everything from monitoring emerging conversations and mentions to influencer demographics and their audiences.

Pietra then uses its AI to take this information and provide brands with real-time insights to:

  • Understand their brand and what people are saying about it
  • Monitor competitors and provide automated recommendations on how to stay ahead  
  • Suggest tailored shortlists of influencers for brands to hire based on their preferences
  • Spot early UGC content opportunities by finding creators already talking about their brand
Thousands of brands are now listening to their customers and growing their businesses because of Pietra Pulse

Harnessing the power of Modash API is enabling Pietra to accelerate product development and scale rapidly. 

Having a feature set purpose-built for the creator economy has allowed Pietra to focus on building and testing new ways to keep its 300,000+ users’ revenues growing through social listening and influencer marketing.

Avery Schrader, CEO of Modash says:

"I’ve been following Pietra’s journey for some time. They are obviously an elite team, having built an incredible toolkit, customer base and attracted funds from the most scrutinizing investors on earth. So I'm proud we can help, and I'm proud of our team that keeps pressing to build the best possible experience for our customers. The API is critical infrastructure for many of our customers, and we take the responsibility to make it best-in-class very seriously."

Want to build a tool that knows social like Pietra? Get a demo 👉

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