YouTube Engagement Rate Calculator

Use our free YouTube engagement rate calculator to see how well YouTube channels connect with their audience.
Some popular examples
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Median Engagement Rate on YouTube
Median Engagement Rate
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What is a good YouTube influencer engagement rate?

YouTube typically has a lower engagement rate compared to Instagram or TikTok. Using data from over 8M+ creators in our <a href=""> YouTube influencer database</a>, we’ve put together some benchmarks. Remember to compare influencers to similar profiles (similar follow count & industry) for a reliable comparison.
YouTube Engagement Rate Benchmarks
1k-5k5k-10k10k-50k50k-100k100k-500k500k-1 millionOver 1 million
High> 6.42%> 2.62%> 1.66%> 1.08%> 0.86%> 0.71%> 0.59%
Above average2.02 - 6.42%0.82 - 2.62%0.51 - 1.66%0.33 - 1.08%0.27 - 0.86%0.24 - 0.71%0.18 - 0.59%
Average1.47 - 2.02%0.59 - 0.82%0.36 - 0.51%0.23 - 0.33%0.19 - 0.27%0.16 - 0.24%0.13 - 0.18%
Below Average0.41 - 1.47%0.16 - 0.59%0.09 - 0.36%0.05 - 0.23%0.04 - 0.19%0.03 - 0.16%0.02 - 0.13%
Low< 0.41%< 0.16%< 0.09%< 0.05%< 0.04%< 0.03%< 0.02%

Calculating engagement rate for YouTube influencers

To calculate a YouTube account’s engagement rate, take the median number of engagements (likes + comments etc.) across all the influencer's YouTube videos, divide by the median number of views, then multiply by 100.

Using this formula, you'll be able to view the total overall engagements for an influencer's profile.

Modash uses the most recent 30 YouTube videos to calculate engagement rate, so it changes over time.
Average Organic Engagement Rate
Platform Engagement Rate Example

Use Modash to get YouTube influencer data

Modash is a tool for finding, analyzing, and monitoring influencers. You can use it to search for TikTok influencers based on their engagement rates, follower counts, audience demographics, and more. Vet their profiles to make sure they reach your target market & fit your brand style, and collect emails ready for outreach.
Modash does more than just calculate engagement rate
Use Modash to discover new influencers, analyze their profiles & audiences, and monitor your campaigns. Get a 14-day free trial.

Engagement varies per niche & platform

Remember to compare apples to apples. What constitutes a good engagement rate for an interior designer on YouTube might be completely different to that of an engineering Instagram profile.

To properly evaluate engagement rate, we recommend not only using our benchmarks above, but also comparing influencers to similar creators in the space. One method of finding similar creators is to use our influencer lookalike tool.

Follower count affects engagement rate

Average engagement rate gradually drops as an influencer's follower count grows.

This was true anecdotally based on influencers we & our users have worked with, and it has since been backed up by various studies, including our own benchmarks.

Smaller creators with <10k followers tend to have the highest engagement rates. While macro influencers or celebrities achieve a lot more reach, the engagement rate inevitably slows down.

A good engagement rate alone isn't enough

If you’re vetting a YouTube creator for a prospective partnership, checking engagement rates is a good start. It isn’t enough to make a decision alone though. You should also be thinking about:

  • Audience channel. Are they reaching your target demographics & geography?
  • Content quality. Would you be happy for your brand to be represented by this person?
  • Growth rate. Is their subscriber count growing over time?

Building a process to check all of these things together before reaching out will increase your chances of a profitable YouTube influencer partnership.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is influencer engagement rate?

Influencer engagement rate is a metric that reflects how often a creator's viewers interact with their content. A higher engagement rate is desirable because it shows that the creator's audience is interested in their posts.

How do you calculate engagement rate?

Our engagement rate formula varies per social platform. For Instagram, it is calculated like this: Engagement Rate (%) = Median engagements / Total number of followers x 100. For TIkTok & YouTube, it is calculated like this: Engagement Rate (%) = Median engagements / Median views x 100.

What is a high engagement rate?

Engagement rate benchmarks vary based on a lot of factors. The biggest factors are the channel, the follower count, and the niche. At a broad level,

  • 0.73%-2.5% is considered standard,
  • 2.5%-4.4% is considered good,
  • 4.4% and anything above would be exceptional.

You should compare influencer engagement rates against similar creators (similar in terms of follower count, and audience) where possible, instead of using generalized benchmarks.

A complete influencer marketing platform

Modash has all the tools marketers need to start & scale influencer programs. Learn more about what Modash can do: